Friday, September 28, 2007

VeoGeo Map (Video & Map Tracking)

VeoGeo takes video sharing to the next level. Now you can map the activities you video, and share even more of the experience!

See what people from around the world are doing, and see where they’re doing it!

* Capture your outdoor activities on your video camera
* Capture a GPS record at the same time
* Upload them to VeoGeo and share them with the world

This could take off with GPS and Video Capture on Mobile Phones.
The N95 could be used in conjunction with Sports Tracker and the 5 mega pixel camera.

As the video is played the map has a route and marker that moves in relation to the geographic position in the video. A nice touch is the graph that shows both speed/acceleration and elevation.

Hotmap: the Use of Virtual Earth

Hotmap - A good way to show your Virtual Earth (Live Maps) user base.

Hotmap Virtual Earth Users
This data is based on a sample of tile logs on servers from January through July of 2006.
It combines server hits from road, aerial, and hybrid imagery in one view.

* Zoom in and out with the control widget in the top left. You can also zoom in by double-clicking the mouse; and zoom in or out with the mouse wheel.
* Pan by clicking and dragging on the map surface.
* Inspect a specific point by right-clicking. It shows the exact imagery available at the point clicked, at the current data level.
* Works in FireFox too!

"Hotmap shows where people have looked at when using Virtual Earth, the engine that powers Live Search Maps: the darker a point, the more times it has been downloaded. Each square represents one unit of imagery, called a "tile". When the program starts, it shows tiles at zoom level 11, which has tiles at a resolution of 74 meters-per-pixel. At the closest in, Virtual Earth has tiles at zoom level 19, 0.3 meters-per-pixel. You can look at higher- or lower-resolution points with the "select data level" indicator at the top."

Now it would be good to see results from Yahoo Maps, Multimap, Google Maps and others...

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Microsoft Should Abandon Vista?

"An editorial written by Don Reisinger over at CNet's takes Microsoft to task for the outright failure of Vista. He suggests that Vista may be the downfall of the company as, despite years in development, Vista was delivered to market too early. His suggestion? Support those who are running it, but otherwise ditch Vista and move on. 'Never before have I seen such an abysmal start to an operating system release. For almost a year, people have been adopting Vista and becoming incensed by how poorly it operates. Not only does it cost too much, it requires more to run than XP, there is still poor driver support ... With Mac OS X hot on its tail, Vista is simply not capable of competing at an OS level with some of the best software around. If Microsoft continues down this path, it will be Vista that will bring the software giant to its knees--not Bill Gates' departure.'

Absolute truth !
Daily you will find people asking questions about normal features of vista. Even I got few calls from my friends owning vista machines. One of my friend called me from California. He wanted to uninstall MS Office. I was just laughing on him and was feeling pity about his new laptop. Another incident ! My friend from Symbiosis Pune visited my place last month at IITB. He wanted to access Internet. It took me more than 15-20 mins to configure the net settings for him. I don't know how many abuses bulged out from me while configuring the settings. There are plenty of more bad experiences.... very disappointing indeed !!

Hawths Tool

Hawth's Analysis Tools for ArcGIS
Hawth's Tools is a FREE extension for ArcGIS (ArcMap) that performs a number of spatial analyses and functions that cannot be conveniently accomplished with out-of-the-box ArcGIS. Most of the tools are written with ecological analyses in mind, though many will be useful to any GIS user. Visit the Hawths Tools page for further information, or to download the extension. This is one of the modules of the Hawths tool, which is very helpful and not readily available in ArcGIS. for more details on HAWTHS tool visit

Raster Tools

Clip Raster

Clip Raster By Polygons

Landscape Characterization (fast)

Extract Raster Edge

Thematic Raster Summary (by polygon)

Zonal Statistics ++ (by polygon)

Spatial Replace Tool

Maximum Grid Separation Tool

Cellular Automata (1D x Time)

Grid Spread (Cellular Automata)

Raster Pixel Type Conversion

Dowload HAWTHS Tool for free

Open Layers!

Hey, I am delighted by experiencing the simplicity followed by OpenLayers. I never ever thought that a GIS solution will be much easier to embed in my own website. But, OpenLayer made it possible. Its few lines of html simple code.. and you are done.

OpenLayers makes it easy to put a dynamic map in any web page. It can display map tiles and markers loaded from any source. MetaCarta developed the initial version of OpenLayers and gave it to the public to further the use of geographic information of all kinds. OpenLayers is completely free, Open Source JavaScript, released under the BSD License.


Building a (fast) Wikipedia offline reader

Wikipedia needs no introductions: it is one of the best - if not the best - encyclopedias, and it's freely available for everyone.

Everyone can be a relative term, however... It implies availability of an Internet connection. This is not always the case; for one, many people would love to have Wikipedia on their laptop, since this would allow them to instantly check for things they want regardless of their location (business trips, hotels, etc). Others simply don't have an Internet connection - or they don't want to dial up one every time they need to check something.

Follow this link:

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What is Geoserver ?

GeoServer is an Open Source server that connects your information to the Geospatial Web.

With GeoServer you can publish and edit data using open standards. Your information is made available in a large variety of formats as maps/images or actual geospatial data. GeoServer's transactional capabilities offer robust support for shared editing. GeoServer's focus is ease of use and support for standards, in order to serve as 'glue' for the geospatial web, connecting from legacy databases to many diverse clients.

GeoServer supports WFS-T and WMS open protocols from the OGC to produce JPEG, PNG, SVG, KML/KMZ, GML, PDF, Shapefiles and more. More information on specific features of GeoServer can be found here, and some samples of GeoServer in action are in the gallery.

GeoServer is built on Geotools , the same Java toolkit that udig uses. GeoServer is a truly open community, with a well documented and modular codebase, so don't hesitate to get involved.



Open source...

The world is going the open source way are you ?

What is open source? Is it free?

Open source softwares are those softwares whose source code is open for editing and modification Unlike windows where we buy the software but for changing it we need to buy the patch for it.

Open softwares are like buying a car. We buy a car and we are the owner now, we can do whatever we want to do to the car, change the body, engine, color and the company is no way bothered.

This category of open softwares will introduce to you some very good open source softwares which are at times better than the proprietory softwares yet they are also free at times.

so keep a tab at this space.

Slashgeo is a bridge across space and time

Slashgeo is a bridge across space and time to gather the community of the geospatially interested.

Slashgeo wants to be the best user-friendly and user-driven online resource for news and discussions about GIS, Remote Sensing and everything geospatial.

Slashgeo is open. Free to read. Free for anyone to share thoughs and ideas. Its content comes from the users, you. Slashgeo is slash-based, meaning the content is filtered by members so only the most valuable tidbits reach the casual reader.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

X Tools Pro ArcGIS extension

XTools Pro - extension for ArcGIS

XTools Pro is one of the most popular and full-featured extensions for ArcGIS Desktop.

Originally developed as a set of useful vector spatial analysis, shape conversion and table management tools for ArcView GIS 3.x. XTools extension was then converted by Data East to ESRI ArcGIS environment and now is re-designed, enhanced and extended as XTools Pro to get to the newer level of functionality and performance.

Latest version – XTools Pro 5.0

XTools Pro 5.0 release is a major upgrade introducing following new and updated tools and features for ArcGIS users:

GO TO tools

- new tools for viewing current ArcGIS map locations in Google Earth, Google Maps and Microsoft Live Search Maps

Auto Save MXD

- a new feature for auto saving backup copies of .mxd map documents

Change Datasources

- a new tool allowing fixing broken links to data sources in the map documents

Callout Identify

- a new tool for flexible identifying features and creating advanced feature

Import Data from KML

- a new tool for importing data from KML/KMZ files

ArcGIS File Geodatabase Support

- Create file geodatabase tool - Create file geodatabase geoprocessing function in XTools Pro toolbox - File geodatabase support as output data format

Updates Notification

- a new feature that will notify users about newer XTools Pro versions

Catalog Tab and Catalog Dockable Window

- "Add to current display" context menu item added - preview window in the Catalog tab of the TOC can be hidden if not required - datasets deletion now requires user confirmation

Export Data to KML

- layers with classified symbology now can be exported to KML files

Other changes

- Smooth Polylines and Convex Hull are now free tools - XTools Pro 5.0 provides new 30-days trial period - Minor bug fixes and enhancementss

ArcGIS compatibility

- XTools Pro 5.x version is compatible with ArcGIS 8.x/9.x