Saturday, December 22, 2007

Internet Operating System (OS ) now making rounds with XIOS/3 XML Based

Xcerion is the new buzz in the air. The Internet OS has arrived it seems. Though in its initial phase and its still in its development, they are claiming big things in a simple way. The OS promises to be easy and better to use than the MAC/Windows and above them it promises to be free. That means you just need a browser that will run the complete OS where you will have free wordprocessing tools, spread sheets and other such stuffs that will make you work simpler. Now when you need a browser what is the use of the OS, May be later they will have a booter that will install itself which will be configured to connect to the internet and then its all yours.

Google too is working on a similar concept. XML based OS, with AJAX and stuff like that. The names still not disclosed but they too will have something promising.

Heres a look at the Xcerion..

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